East Coast Faux Painting

Texture and faux painting are specialized painting techniques that require precision and skill to get right. Properly adding a textured or faux finish to a wall adds dimension, depth, and beauty to your home or commercial space that cannot be achieved with basic interior painting applications.

Specialty finishes, textures and glazes create the convincing illusion of luxurious surfaces, intricate textures and rich materials. Common faux painting techniques include sponging, metallic finishes, glazing, faux marble finishes, color washing, faux stone finishes, distressed plaster, strie, gilding, faux patina, crackle finishes, and decorative painting such as stenciling.

If you are looking to add a little flair to your walls, contact the experts at John Byrne Painting for professional texture and faux painting services. With our East Coast faux painting services you can completely change the look and feel of a room. Whatever style or mood you are looking to create, we will help you select the correct color scheme and faux finishes to accomplish the look you are going for with our faux and texture painting services.

Services Our East Coast Faux Painting Contractors Provide

  • Faux Painting
  • Faux Finishes
  • Texture Painting
  • Decorative Painting
  • Metallic Paint
  • Texture Wall Painting
  • Paint Techniques
  • Wall Stencils
  • Texture Paint
  • Textured Walls
  • House Painters
  • Commercial Painting

Why the East Coast Should Choose Us for Their Faux Painting

Sometimes a traditional coat of paint just isn’t enough to bring out the style of a room. That is why John Byrne Painting offers professional faux and texture painting services to our residential and commercial customers throughout the East Coast. Our faux painting experts have mastered many of the most popular textured painting and decorative painting techniques to ensure you get the best finish every time. Our East Coast faux painting techniques can help break the mundane and add a bit of flair to boring, plain walls. Our texture painting services also help add depth and interest to your East Coast walls. While texture painting is similar to faux painting, it does not usually set out to mimic other materials. Sponge painting and paper painting are two of our most commonly texture painting techniques.

If you are thinking about painting the interior of your home or commercial property, consider texture and faux painting to add depth to otherwise boring walls. With over 30 years of professional painting services, John Byrne Painting, your reliable East Coast painting contractor, is the one you can trust for quality faux painting and texture painting services. Call us today for a free estimate.

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If you are looking for an East Coast painting contractor, please call 610.337.3711 or complete our online request form.


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